It really is that simple!
Stylesheets are what we do! Stylesheets are our raison d'être and as stylesheet specialists, our Printed & Published output is fast becoming the standard by which all others are judged.
Our vendor-neutral XSLT and XSL-FO stylesheets are W3C standards compliant, which ensures a seamless integration into the widest range of XML editors and (C)CMS or CSDB systems.
We support numerous XML specifications including: S1000D, ATA Spec 1000BR, GAMA Spec No. 1, Shipdex, DITA & Docbook but also have an in-depth working knowledge of ATA iSpec 2200 and MilSpec SGML Technical Manual production processes.
While we have been predominantly focused on a vendor-neutral stylesheet approach, we do have an extensive Arbortext Editor "FOSI" stylesheet development capability in-house and as such, we have also created our unique Arbortext S1000D_Lite Authoring solution.
(Click an image below to open and view the Data Module in PDF format)
To view some of the additional S1000D Data Module doctypes, please go to our S1000D Demo page.
Sticking with the "Standard"!
(Click an image below to open and view the publication in PDF format)
Making S1000D look good!