- Monday, 23rd November 2020
Monday, 23rd November 2020 is a big day for us in Docuneering because today, at long last, we are able to announce the release of our Docuneering S1000D - Publication Builder.
It has taken a while but the task of creating single PDF file from a Publication Module is certainly a complex one. A Publication Module (PM) can reference a PM which in turn can also reference a PM and so on.
Since making the above video, we have reworked the book build process to now include page counts in the Frontmatter LOEDM and TOC. The build is a little slower but that’s always going to be the case when you need a page count ... you have to build it to know how big it is ... and then build it again but this time, with the page counts included!!
PMC-S1000DBIKE-C3002-LOAP1-00_000-02 can be reviewed here: