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ATA Spec 1000BR Print & Publish Differences

- Thursday, 1st December 2022

When you compare the Printed and Published outputs of an ATA Spec 1000BR Data Module you will see some big differences.

Click image to enlarge

ATA Spec 1000BR Data Module - Printed

ATA Spec 1000BR Data Module - Printed

ATA Spec 1000BR Data Module - Published

ATA Spec 1000BR Data Module - Published

Items 1 to 6 below are linked to the red numbers 1 to 6, included in the above images.

  1. In the Published header, some of the information comes from the root Publication Module. In our Printed output, we are making very clear that the output is a Standalone ATA Spec 1000BR Data Module.
  2. References to equipment, supplies and spares in the preliminary requirements are consolidated at the Topic level when Published so the identifying number, located in the brackets, will not necessarily match the Printed output. "Tool (3)(Sponge)" in the Printed output and the "Tool (8)(Sponge)" in the Published output are both pointing to the same item but in the Published output, there are Procedure Data Modules in this Topic located before this current Procedure Data Module.
  3. In the Published output, references to another Data Module will link the user to that Data Module. The Printed output is a single Data Module so references will display as a link but cannot link to anything.
  4. In a Topic, Table numbering runs sequentially through all Data Modules located within that Topic. If the Printed and the Published Table numbering does not match, it is because there are additional tables located in the Data Modules preceding the current Data Module in the Published output.

    Additional: In the Published output, the Table numbering includes a Topic code identifier which is sourced from the Publication Module. The Printed output does not have access to the Publication Module and as such, the Topic code identifier is substituted with XXXX
  5. The Printed output ends when the Data Module ends while the Published output may include additional Data Modules.
  6. In the Published footer, all of the information is sourced from the root Publication Module. The Printed output does not have access to the Publication Module and as such, the information is substituted.

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