Arbortext S1000D Authoring

Docuneering S1000D Data Module to PDF - Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank

When developing S1000D stylesheets for Arbortext Editor, it is sometimes easy to forget the Author and to focus predominantly on the printed output. Yes, it is important to get a good quality PDF file for QA review, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of the Authoring experience.

Arbortext Editor from the Authors Point-of-View

With our S1000D Data Module to PDF stylesheets taking care of the PDF output, we were able to spend the time looking at Arbortext Editor purely from an authoring point-of-view.

Docuneering - S1000D SGML Authoring with Arbortext Editor

S1000D_Lite at a glance

Support for multiple languages.

Our Arbortext Editor S1000D_Lite stylesheets can be translated into multiple languages.

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D_Lite - English language layout

English language layout

S1000D_Lite - French language layout

French language layout

S1000D_Lite - German language layout

German language layout


Arbortext Editor only

In order to create the most cost-effective Arbortext Authoring solution, we decided to standardize on Arbortext Editor. This means you only need a licence of Arbortext Editor and not the more expensive Arbortext Styler.


Arbortext Editor Screen Composition only

Our Arbortext Editor stylesheets are for authoring only and do not include Print (if you require Print, please see next item below). This means the Arbortext Editor stylesheets were much simpler to develop and will require less time to support. The licence cost per user is therefore priced accordingly.

(Click image to enlarge)


Arbortext Editor print capability

If an Author requires the option to Print, then our additional S1000D Data Module to PDF stylesheets can be plugged into Arbortext Editor to fulfil this Author requirement. Our S1000D Data Module to PDF stylesheets come fully configured and do not require the optional Arbortext Print Composer licence.

S1000D_Lite - Screen layout

Our S1000D Data Module to PDF stylesheets can also be setup as a standalone S1000D Batch Print solution. This would allow the user to batch convert an entire folder of S1000D Data Modules.

(Click image to enlarge)

This method of separating the Authoring environment from the Print & Publish capability means the S1000D Print, S1000D Batch Print and S1000D Publish processes are all using a single, common set of stylesheets.

Our common stylesheet approach avoids the scenario where different stylesheets create different outputs and introduce issues like:

  • The Print for review PDF file does not match the final Published PDF
  • Different PDF output methods with different layout rules might have a different number of pages
  • A layout fix would have to be implemented in each of the separate stylesheets

All of our S1000D Print & Publish
outputs match All of the time!


S1000D issue, schema and doctype identifier

If your organisation has multiple S1000D projects and each of the projects uses a different S1000D issue, then this has the potential to lead to an S1000D issue mix-up. The S1000D issue, schema and doctype identifier located at the top of the Arbortext Edit View window, means the Author always has somewhere to quickly verify the exact details of the current Data Module.

(Click image to enlarge)


Screen readable typeset

While the Arial or Helvetica typeset is usually used in the S1000D Published output PDF file, that does not necessarily mean it is the best typeset for on-screen reading. After a bit of research about the different on-screen fonts, we standardised the screen output using the Verdana font, a typeset designed to make on-screen reading easier.


Pastel colour scheme

If an Author is going to spend most of their working day looking at our S1000D_Lite Authoring environment, we felt it was important to review the Arbortext Editor default primary colours and look at something a little more all-day friendly. After a bit of research, we found the Authors were already familiar with the "standard" Arbortext Editor colour scheme, so we decided to stick with the same familiar scheme but toned everything down to use pastel colours.


On screen prompts

Arbortext Editor includes a feature to close elements in the Edit View window to make better use of the screen area. This is a standard Arbortext Editor feature but if an Author is switching between different applications for the different project tasks, it is easy to forget the exact key-combination so in our S1000D_Lite Authoring environment, we have provided some on-screen prompts.

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D_Lite - On-screen prompts

On-screen prompt visible

S1000D_Lite - On-screen prompts - Elements closed

Element closed


Attribute markers

Later issues of S1000D tend to be more attribute-centric and as such, we have introduced Attribute markers as a visual prompt for the Author. Where the Author sees the "@" symbol preceding some auto-generated text, this is a prompt to let them know the auto-generated text contains attribute value(s).

(Click image to enlarge)


Attribute sort order

The Modify Attributes dialog has been configured to display all attributes in the same order as they appear in the schema. This means attributes in things like the Data Module Code appear in the DMC order.

(Click image to enlarge)


Attribute aliases

In later issues of S1000D, many of the attribute values were standardised on a linked 01-99 numbered list. This method separated the attribute from the text value, which meant the attribute text values could be managed by projects in a more structured way. However, this meant the Author is not seeing anything meaningful when populating an attribute.

For example, if the @internalRefTargetType attribute is populated with the value "irtt07" then what does that mean?

By using Attribute aliases, we are able to provide the Author with a more meaningful value of: "irtt07_Paragraph".

(Click image to enlarge)


Inline Group attributes

Also in later issues of S1000D is the inclusion of Inline Group attributes. These are a common Group of attributes that can be populated in just about any element throughout the Data Module to create an inline change to the following:

  • Change
  • Applicability
  • Security
  • Authority

A project will need to decide how to use these Inline Group attributes but in our S1000D_Lite Authoring environment, we have created colour coded markers to ensure these Inline Group attributes are always visible to the Author.

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D_Lite - Group attribute marker - Inline Applicability

Inline Applicability

S1000D_Lite - Group attribute marker - Inline Security

Inline Security

S1000D_Lite - Group attribute marker - Inline Authority

Inline Authority


Change highlighting

Our S1000D_Lite Authoring environment will highlight any content marked as "Changed" with a light grey background. This provides a clear visual marker for the Author.

Where the @reasonForUpdateRefIds attribute has been populated, the linked "Reason for update" text will appear in the Inline Change marker.

(Click image to enlarge)


External references

When referencing out from a Data Module, the required linking structure includes a number of elements and attributes and does not easily fit into the Edit View window.

In our S1000D_Lite Authoring environment, all links out from a Data Module are formatted with a blue background (to indicate an external link) and the full link structure is contained within a set of "block" link marker lines.

This link method makes best use of the available screen area and when the Author is happy with the link structure, they can close the link to make the document flow better.

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D_Lite - External link - Open

External link - Open

S1000D_Lite - External link - Closed

External link - Closed

Assisted Start-up

Docuneering can provide an Assisted Start-up for this product.

Assisted start-up is a customer-centric blend of product setup support, initial Arbortext familiarisation and a customer specific workshop to ensure you are up and running.

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Pricing plans...

We aim to make our pricing as simple and as transparent as possible. If you have any questions or would like to discuss some custom pricing options then please get in touch.

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Select an S1000D Issue number to see package options...

Icon Key:
Doctype is available Now.
Coming Soon Doctype is Coming Soon. If you would like to request a “rush” on a particular doctypes then please:   Get in touch
Doctype has been configured for multiple languages.

Package prices...

Arbortext S1000D_Lite “Core”

  • Single User
  • £199.99 GBP
    Annual subscription
  • Ongoing updates
  • Get it here!

Arbortext S1000D_Lite “Enhanced”

  • Single User
  • £299.99 GBP
    Annual subscription
  • Ongoing updates
  • Get it here!

Arbortext S1000D_Lite “Complete”

  • Single User
  • £499.99 GBP
    Annual subscription
  • Ongoing updates
  • Get it here!

Prices above exclude VAT, which is charged at the standard rate.

What about print?

We understand that Authors can also need a physical PDF file for QA review by a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and/or submission to an Equipment Sponsor for final sign-off and approval. With our Docuneering vendor-neutral XSL-FO stylesheets, an Author can open a Data Module in their authoring software and create a PDF file with a single click.

As an indication of the output quality of our XSL-FO stylesheets, we have provided some PDF Sample files for customers to review.

S1000D Demo files