Bicycle – Illustrated Parts Data - IPD

DMC: S1000DBIKE-AAA-D00-00-00-01AA-941A-D
Language: en/US
Issue No.: 007
Issue Date: 2012-12-31
Title: Bicycle – Illustrated Parts Data - IPD
Security Classification: Unclassified (Class01)
Data Restrictions  
Distribution: To be made available to all S1000D users.
Export Control:

Export of this data module to all countries that are the residence of organizations that are users of S1000D is permitted. Storage of this data module is to be at the discretion of the organization.

Handling: There are no specific handling instructions for this data module.
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Disclosure: There are no dissemination limitations that apply to this data module.
Copyright (C) 2013 by each of the following organizations:
  • AeroSpace and Defence Industries Associations of Europe - ASD.
  • Ministries of Defence of the member countries of ASD.
Limitations of Liability:
  • This material is provided "As Is" and neither ASD nor any person who has contributed to the creation, revision or maintenance of the material makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
  • Neither ASD nor any person who has contributed to the creation, revision or maintenance of this material shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages or any other liability arising from any use of this material.
  • Revisions to this document may occur after its issuance. The user is responsible for determining if revisions to the material contained in this document have occurred and are applicable.
Policy reference: TPSMG TOR 001
Conditions: There are no known conditions that would change the data restrictions for, or security classification of, this data module.
Responsible partner company: UK MoD /U8025
Originator: UK MoD /U8025
Applicability cross-reference table reference: S1000DBIKE-AAA-D00-00-00-00AA-00WA-D
Mountain bicycle and (Mountain storm Mk1 or Brook trekker Mk9)
Technical standard:
Authority information: 20010131 
Authority baseline: Bike book 
Authority exceptions:  
Authority notes:  
Brex data module reference: S1000DBIKE-AAA-D00-00-00-00AA-022A-D
QA: First verification Cleared Table Top
System breakdown code: BY
Reason for updating:
Related CPF No. 2009-148S1
part data in IPD
Reason for updating:
Related CPF No. 2009-125GB
CSN - break into attributes
This DM was originally named DMC-S1000DBIKE-AAA-D00-00-00-00AA-941A-A

Illustrated Parts Data (IPD)

Fig 1


Fig 1  Bicycle

Initial provisioning project information

IPP number: KZ9990001
IPP subject: BICYCLE
IPP file identifier: s

Catalog sequence numbers

Fig Item Units per assembly / Unit of issue CAGE Part No.
NATO Stock No.
Description 🞷 Usable on
code assy
• MV/ Effect 
01/A 0 REF KZ999 BICYCLE-001 Bicycle
1 1 / EA KZ999 BICYCLE-001/1 •  Frame assembly
2 1 / EA KZ999 BICYCLE-001/2A • •  Seat, assembly
2 1 / EA KZ999 BICYCLE-001/2B • •  Cruiser Seat, assembly
3 1 / EA KZ999 BICYCLE-001/3 • •  Steering system
4 1 / EA KZ999 BICYCLE-001/4 • •  Drive train system
5 1 / EA KZ999 BICYCLE-001/5 • •  Brake sub-system
6 1 / EA KZ777 LRU1001 • •  Light system
7 1 / EA KZ888 WH-001 • •  Wheel, assembly rear
8 1 / EA KZ888 WH-002 • •  Wheel, assembly front
9 1 / EA KZ888 CP-001 • •  Computer

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