ATA Spec 1000BR CMP to PDF

Docuneering ATA CMP - Boeing 777 Front view

Component Maintenance Publication (CMP)

We have extend our S1000D Print & Publishing solutions into the Civil Aviation sector by including PDF output for the ATA Spec 1000BR_4.1 and ATA Spec 1000BR_4.2 Component Maintenance Publication.

These ATA e-Business Program managed Business Rules define what information can and cannot go into the publication and details what must be done with that information in order to create a valid ATA Component Maintenance Publication.

Our Docuneering ATA CMP Publishing solution will take a valid S1000D Publication Module (it must be structured to match ATA CMP Topics ) and builds it into a single compound file. Referenced data modules are embedded and illustration references are consolidated at the top of the compound file.

This creates a structurally well-formed XML file which is then converted into PDF using our Docuneering ATA CMP stylesheets and the open-source Apache FOP Print Formatter (or a formatting engine of your choosing). After processing is complete, the output is a valid ATA Component Maintenance Publication in PDF format which fully complies with all ATA Spec 1000BR_4.2 CMP business rules.

ATA Spec 1000BR_4.2 Demo Publication

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Docuneering - ATA Spec 1000BR CMP

Auto-generated topics

Section separators

Our stylesheets are written to the current W3C XSL-FO (Version 1.1) standard and the published PDF can be configured to comply with the PDF/A (ISO 19005) standard for archiving and long-term preservation.

Assisted Start-up

We can provide an Assisted Start-up for this product.

Assisted start-up is a customer-centric blend of product setup support, initial configuration familiarisation and a customer specific workshop to ensure you are up and running.

For more information, please...

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Custom S1000D Print & Publishing Services

If you or your customer have a bespoke requirement for your S1000D PDF deliverable, we can provide development resource during the design, develop, review and deliver phases of your project.

For additional information, please see our...

S1000D Stylesheets

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ATA CMP - Publication Builder

A demo video of the ATA CMP - Publication Builder tool in action...

Pricing plans...

We aim to make our pricing as simple and as transparent as possible. If you have any questions or would like to discuss some custom pricing options then please get in touch.

Get in touch

ATA Spec 1000BR
CMP Builder

  • Single Publication
  • £1,249.99 GBP
    Annual subscription
  • Supports: S1000D Issue 4.2
  • Ongoing updates
  • Get it here!

ATA Spec 1000BR
CMP Builder

  • Single Publication
  • £3,649.99 GBP
    Perpetual licence
  • Supports: S1000D Issue 4.2
  • 12 month updates
  • Get it here!

ATA Spec 1000BR
CMP Builder

  • XSL Source Code
  • Enquire
    Multiple licence options available
  • Supports: S1000D Issue 4.2
  • Get in touch

Prices above exclude VAT, which is charged at the standard rate.


ATA Spec 1000BR_4.2 CMP


Mountain bicycle manual - S1000D Issue 4.2

Produced by Docuneering Ltd using our ATA CMP - Publication Builder stylesheets

View as PDF

What about S1000D Authoring?

As well as our S1000D Vendor-Neutral Data Module print stylesheets and our "full-fat" S1000D Publication Builder solution, we also have a few options for the Authoring process. Whether you’re working with S1000D Legacy SGML source data or you need "XML Web Author" capability, at Docuneering, we have a solution to meet your requirements.

S1000D Authoring